Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Discovering the Greek Myths

A few weeks ago my little guy used the term "Greek Myth" to mean something made up. I had picked up a copy of D'Aulaire's Book of Greek Myths , and we cracked it open yesterday for a read aloud. He did not want me to stop. He LOVES the myths. He thought Argus was pretty cool, what with all those eyes.
Monsters and weird looking creatures are ALWAYS cool.

He's writing his own 'myth' now. It started to explain how caterpillars got little bitty legs, and now involves a whole complex cast of characters, only one of whom has realized the "gods" are not real. He eventually becomes a priest (of the one True God, whom he realizes must exist).

So we're wandering out of "myth" territory, but that's where his story went...

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