Sunday, June 8, 2008

Why "Prince Caspian" failed

I went to this movie with higher hopes than the last ... I didn't care for Andrew Adamson's version of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I know the guy CAN tell a story (I loved Shrek). But he doesn't seem to be able to tell THESE stories.

TLWW didn't come together well, even though it had some good parts.

I felt the same about Prince Caspian, but this one was worse... because parts were so much better. It had a cast that ranged from adequate to excellent, glimmers of good focus, and some of the changes made to the story, in order to help focus and condense it, were good choices and good changes.

Why didn't it work, then?

Well, before I go on about what didn't work, let me say what did.

1) Peter Dinklage as Trumpkin. Perfect. I like this actor anyway, and he was excellent as Trumpkin. Too bad we didn't get to see much of him. Too bad the developing relationship between Trumpkin and the children/kings/queens was not explored. I guess when you only have 2.5 hours you have to cut things like that if you want lots of way-kewl flying animal battle sequences. Wait... I said I'd save the bad for later, and focus on the good... :: cough :: ... let me get back to the good...

2) Eddy Izzard as Reepicheep. Perfectly done, perfectly cast, great interpretation of Reepicheep.

Both Trumpkin and Reepicheep looked and sounded different than what played in my mind as I read the books as a child... they were better. I never could figure out how a mouse could be a threat... now I can.

3) Warwick Davis as Nikabrik. I also wish we'd seen more of him... I'd have liked to have seen him and Trumpkin interact just a bit more. Davis played a great villain... too bad the film didn't relate to us why Nikabrik turned dark... his feeling of despair and abandonment... that led him to the place where he's trying to raise the white witch... Davis did such a good job with the little he had, I'd have loved to have seen him tackle that. The book got it across... the movie did not. er.. there I go again.. back to the good...

4) The Telmarines. I figured out what happens to the Telmarines after they go back to our world. They become UPS drivers. You know how I can tell?
It's a known fact to most American women, that there is no such thing as a bad looking UPS driver. Those guys are always good looking.
So are Telmarines. Wow... those might have been the bad guys, but they can come conquer my town anytime they want.

Miraz was a delightful villain... and his role was fleshed out some so that you could see him for the tyrant he was... that part worked. I also liked that the Telmarines were Spanish in look and sound and culture. Clearly human, but distinct from the "British" Narnians.

Now... to the changes made to the book...
first let me say Prince Caspian is my least favorite Narnia book. Maybe thats why I didn't mind the changes as much as some might. I thought condensing Caspian's story, having him blow Susan's horn earlier, having Trumpkin be captured at the same time... all served to get the characters where they needed to be, but dispensed with the 'story within the story' that we had in the book.

All of this is all good... why then, did the movie fail?

1) The Faramir Affect. Anyone who has read Lord of the Rings is familiar with Faramir, a man strong and noble, who experienced the pain of a father who rejected him, yet did not lose his own moral compass in the process. The guy was "together".
In Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings, the writers figured such a character would not do. So they changed him. Instead of a strong, noble, character... we got a wuss with daddy issues.

Why is it that modern filmmakers seem to find it easier to make the villains strong with an element of honor... and yet can't write the heros in a similar fashion? Why are the heros weak, tortured, and traumatized? Why do heros always have ISSUES? Are people unable to tell a story without neutering all the heros? Without making them so much LESS?

Sure, there is a place for that sort of character... and one can show a journey from wuss to hero... but just as Faramir was not the character to 'lessen' in that fashion in the LOTR films... Peter and Caspian were not characters to so cheapen in this movie.

Caspian was reduced to hot hearthrob, who wants his throne and wants to kill the six fingered man who killed his father (several folks in the theater said alound, when Caspian faced Miraz: "You killed my father... prepare to die!" In the Princess Bride Inigo Montoya was a charicature.. he was comic... he was a parody... and it worked well. In Prince no.)

and Peter... oy. Peter was a whiny kid with power issues. I wanted to smack him. I think Trumpkin did, too. And I'd have cheered if Trumpkin had done it.

HOWEVER... these characterizations could have worked... if the film had managed to get hold of a few themes they toyed with, but never managed to grasp.

which leads me to
2) Poor storytelling, and loss of the theme/focus.
It seems to me the scriptwriters were trying to build the movie around one key scene... Lucy seeing Aslan, and the others not believing her. Peter was trying to do good in his own way... which is a sure way to fail, with evil results. IF the movie had suceeded in focusing on this theme, and building the story around it... the weaker Peter would have made sense.

But the scene where Lucy sees Aslan was so short, and no time was given to the character's reactions. This was the section of the movie where Adamson needed to stop, tell carefully, focus. He did not.

We needed to see that Trumpkin did not believe in Aslan... but in worldly help. We needed to see the film Peter have a similar mentality to Trumpkin... though he believed in Aslan, he wanted to succeed on his own.. he felt alone, abandoned, and responsible in his aloneness. And Edmund... we needed to see Edmund voting to go with Lucy... that was a key scene in the books that showed how Edmund had changed... the scene in the book would have gotten all this across, but it would have taken a little more time to tell (not much). Then we would have seen the characters for who they were... and this character development was absolutely NEEDED.

If they'd spent time with this, though, they couldn't have focused on the kewl floating tree lady scene Lucy had. Well, I guess they could have.. but again, they sacrificed story and character development for the sake of special fx.

I believe that Adamson was trying to tell a story of the wrong that happened when the characters did not trust in Aslan... I believe he was trying to build around that theme. In part I believe this due to how the film ended... we got the scene with Trumpkin facing Aslan... almost as in the book... but this time it made little sense because we'd not been allowed to see who Trumpkin was earlier... we didn't hear about his doubts... we were not permitted enough time to know and understand the character.. so the later scenes made no sense.

Likewise when the children were leaving... we had tearful goodbyes... but since we'd not been allowed to see the characters for who they were... to see their relationships developing.. it meant nothing. It was hollow.

But gosh, there were kewl fx.

What we had was a story that could have been told well... that had elements that were excellent... but Adamson was not the man to tell this story. He did not put the excellent elements together in a way that made sense. The man can do some individual scenes. He does good battle sequences. But seems to have lost the ability to tell a story... or at least, he's the wrong one to tell THIS story.

Here's hoping the next movie has a different director, and trusts in the story and characters more than the special effects. Voyage of the Dawn Treader is a story of conversion... true change in character... it's Eustace's story... and unless it's put in the hands of someone who can develop character, and give the characters rather than the fx the main focus... it will also fail.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Horton hears a Who, the movie

I took the little guy (he's not so little anymore) to the movies the other day. We were trying to decide between the only available kid friendly (?) movies, Nim's Island or Horton Hears a Who. We went with the latter.

I've come to a couple of conclusions.

1) Jim Carey usually plays Jim Carey.
My two middle daughters loved the "The Series of Unfortunate Events" books, but felt the movie was marred by the fact Jim Carey played Count Olaf not as Count Olaf, but as Jim Carey.

Horton suffers a little from this as well.

2) Dr. Seuss books make very nice 30 minute TV specials. Stretching them to an hour and a half is... well.. a stretch.

Nice parts:

The son and I both chuckled at Horton's Anime fantasy segment. No, you are not having a memory lapse. That sure WAS NOT in the book... but it was cute.

The Mayor of Whoville was delightful. This book character was fleshed out so much for the film, I'd say he was 'invented' by the team who did this movie. Steve Carrell did a wonderful job with this role. His son Jo Jo reminded me a bit of my youngest teen. This added story of the Mayor and his son was one part where the 'fleshing out' of the book worked very well. It was sweet.

The team from Ice Age who animated also did a wonderful job. Whoville was spectacular and very Seussish. The Whimsy in the Animation saved the movie. Loved Vlad the Vulture, Vlad the Bunny, and a few of the other minor characters added to the story.

Note for homeschoolers: There is a jab at homeschoolers in the movie. Sour Kangaroo wants to protect her child from evil things like Imagination, so she "Pouch Schools" her kid... and the kid breaks away from the oppressive parent at the end.

I couldn't really take offense to this, though. Sour Kangaroo seemed much more from the NEA than from any homeschool group I know. And Horton's "lessons" with the kids (he had some sort of teacherish role) early on was much more like a day in a homeschool than a day in a classroom.

I had a brief flashback to college, when a guy I was dating heard the Billy Joel anti-Catholic song "Only the Good Die Young." The boyfriend said, "that song is so true."

I said "Am I like that?"

He said "No."

I asked if another friend of ours, a religious Catholic, was like that. He said, "No."

I then asked if the crew from our Newman Center was like that. He paused, then said "Um.. No."

I asked if he knew any Catholics like that.

More silence. Followed by "Um.. No."

Actions speak louder than songs, or lines in a movie.

Overall, I'd give Horton a C+. Great animation, whimsy, and the wonderful line "A person's a person no matter how small."

That covers a multitude of silly filler.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Only in America....

Just watched the Pope touch down in D.C.

What hooting and hollering from the crowd! I loved it.
They all burst into "Happy Birthday" at one point.
Quite impressed that Bush went out to meet him.

Years ago I sat at Pope John Paul II's Mass, shortly after he was elected. Awesome experience.
One of my children was at an audience with Benedict, and another is going down to DC tomorrow.

It's cool to be Catholic. This is our Papa, and he's one of the good guys.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Taking a walk

Today my little guy and I took a walk. It's getting to be springtime here. Flowers are poking their heads up, trees are just beginning to blossom. Robins are all over the place, getting their nests ready.

How important walks are! I think my eldest and I learned more going on "nature walks" (even if all we saw were sparrows and ants) than we learned from any book.

There are always worksheets to do, and numbers to be tallied, and tests to be taken. They are all so much the same, and all so easily forgotten.

But the walks, we remember.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Harry Potter, again

I was thinking about the Potter series today, and the Christian themes within it. I was thinking of the way ordered, and disordered love was portrayed. How refreshing it was to read a book where families were cherished, and a large family which put children ahead of "things" was heroic. Where young people fell in love, got married, and had children. This love led to life, even though it sometimes required great sacrifice, even the ultimate sacrifice.

And we had some great examples of disordered love, and the tragedy it leads to. Some of the people involved were not evil, some greatly repented (Snape, for example), but the disordered love led to death.

There are few books where this is so clearly illustrated. It's in the natural fabric of the story. It's not preached. It just IS.

And that's a good thing.

Then tonight, I clicked on Sean Daily's "The Blue Boar" blog and found this:

Many of us Christians really have missed the mark on the Potter books, and that is a shame on many levels.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

A Blessed Easter

He is Risen
He is Risen, Indeed.

A Blessed and Holy Easter to all.

We usually go to the Vigil Mass. I love the Vigil Mass, the lighting of the fire, the spreading of the Light through the darkness, overcoming it.

The first time I risked taking young children to the Vigil Mass, I was quite surprised. My then three year old said "It was the most beautifulest thing" she ever saw.

This year, however, duty called. And not the duty to attend Mass. A child is sick, and crying, and up coughing and sniffing, unable to sleep due to a totally clogged head and cough. So Dad went to the vigil, and Mom stayed home. It's daytime Mass for me tomorrow.

The little guy was very upset when he found out I'd probably keep him home from Church tomorrow. I said "I know, it's Easter."

He said, "And not only that, it's SUNDAY!"

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Cough that won't Quit

The past few weeks have seen the cough that wouldn't quit (and it's related symptoms) make it's way through the Smith household. This virus is nasty, and can easily move to pneumonia.
If it's come your way, don't mess with it... see a doctor! Most people get over it in about three weeks, but I know of two who have died of pneumonia complications, and another who landed herself in the hospital for three days with it. It's easy to think "it's just a bug, I don't want to be a wuss" but please, please, see a doctor if your cough does not go away in a few days, or especially if it's accompanied by chest pains of any sort.

I've still got two battling it, including the husband who is allergic to doctors (but sick enough now he's going to go). But I think we're through the worst!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Traditional Latin Mass, part two

I'm finding myself more and more drawn to the TLM. I still don't know when to sit, stand, or kneel (feeling somewhat as many protestants must feel on their first visit to a Catholic Mass, ordinary or extraordinary rite). I still am not quite sure which part the Priest is at... whenever I think I know a bell rings and I find I'm on the wrong page. But... but... there is something about it. Such a sense of awe and worship. It's wonderous.

And Mass is Mass... Christ offers himself, no matter the rite. But there is *something* about the Traditional Mass that really draws me.

And that surprises me. But each week I find myself going to the TLM.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Keep praying....

I'd ask you to continue to keep Mary (refered to in the Jan 20 entry) in your prayers. The devil is ticked off that she's choosing life, and she's getting trouble from almost every side. She continues to make great choices in the face of adversity. May she be surrounded by God's wonderful Grace, and may Our Lady of Lourdes pray for her!

Monday, February 4, 2008

The Rosary Cat, part two

Normally we say the Rosary upstairs. As soon as the cat (Regina) hears the beads, she comes in to join us.

But last night we said the Rosary downstairs, as a guest was over and joining us.

On cue, as the beads came out, Regina walked into the den. She was a bit put out, as 1) we were in the wrong spot, and 2) all the seats were taken. But she joined us, sitting in the middle of the room... at least until the Fourth Glorious Mystery.

She decided she MUST find a spot to pray. So on cue, just as we began the Assumption, Regina LEPT UP onto the back of the upholstered chair the guest was sitting in. Said Guest screamed as Regina flew airborne above her head. The Cat flew back down and tore out of the room...

I thought it was at least a visual aid for the mystery... the first part anyway, when she was on her way up.

After we were all settled and praying again, Regina came back in, eyes wide... but knowing she MUST be here for the Rosary. She finally decided that there was enough room on the couch next to me, and she sat there.

Once the Rosary ended, as usual, she got up and left.

And that was quite a lesson in perseverence in prayer!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Rosary Cat

Supposedly one thing that sets humans apart from animals is humans have religion, and animals do not.

Whoever came up with that idea, has not met my cat.

Every night, when we gather for the rosary, the cat calmly enters the room, finds a spot in the ring of people praying, and joins us. After the final ".. through the Mercy of God, rest in peace" she exits, as silently as she entered.

When I try to read the newspaper, she sits on it, obviously pointing out SHE is much more important than the newspaper and I ought to be attending to HER.

But with the rosary, she does not demand front and center. She just joins us, quietly, from the Sign of the Cross to the last Amen.

Animals know Who God is.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Faith, Hope, Love, and Courage

"Discouragement is a tool of the devil" said Thomas Aquinas.

I think of that often. We often see big evils, but one of the most damaging attacks most of us get is the "soul eating bacteria" of discouragement. Satan always says "no, you can't. Don't bother"

I think that's one think I loved in the movie "The Passion". The 'attack' on Jesus in the Garden was one of discouragement. No wonder He needed his friends to be awake, to support him.

There is a young woman in my life right now, whom I will call "Mary". She is pregnant, and without a place to stay. She has family members who want her to abort. She has voices all around her, saying she cannot raise a child, it will not be right for the child, the child will suffer, she might as well abort, it would be kinder, because she CAN'T do this, she's messed up before, so she might as well give up now.

This young woman is facing the tearing of the discouraging chorus with great courage. She is determined to make a change, to do this right. But it is wearying her. I can see her near falling... though each time she's gotten up and continued to put one foot in front of the other.

Please pray for her. The attacks keep coming, from so many angles. We need to join together to support, and encourage, so she may have Grace and Courage.

Christ makes all things New. I know she CAN do this. I'm edified by her example right now. Please pray for her, and may she be so surrounded by God's Grace that the darts of the evil one, the darts of discouragement and even despair, will not be able to penetrate.

And remember to be there for others, when they need you, in prayer, in service, in love.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Things I've Learned Homeschooling- Part Five


My children are aweful spellers. ;) So am I! It took me a long time to find out the simple solution (other than making sure I have a good, updated "Spell Check" program on the computer).

Just like in the olden days, have them COPY.

I spent lotsa money on spelling programs. Lists? My kids would memorize the lists, get them all right on the test, and then proceed to misspell every other word they wrote in a letter, composition, or story.

I tried unspelling programs... write words with Chalk on the sidewalk. Use shaving cream on the bathroom walls. Spell in Jello.

It was a lot of fun. Did it help them to learn to spell? Perhaps they'd spell every word wrong, instead of every other word, if I hadn't used the jello.

Scrapping the many pricey Language ARTS program (what's more artistic than jello?), I decided to have my little guy copy songs from the Hymnal.

Why the Hymnal? Well, we get a Religion lesson (as long as we avoid Weston Priory), a Spelling lesson, a Handwriting lesson, and an English lesson all in one. And those words in the Hymnals are broken into Syllables. Had to help.

The little guy wrote the words to Oh Holy Night from Lent until Three Kings Day. Just copied verse one, each day. Not a huge bunch of copying... just the same stuff, every day.

He said to me "I finally know how to spell NIGHT! I remember!" and then he launched off into all the other words that were similar. Wow... mission accomplished! And it just took one borrowed Hymnal from Church (yes, I got permission).

There are drawbacks. I asked him to spell 'Holy' and he said "H, O, Dash, L, Y"

He's been doing We Three Kings this week, and next week we move to All Things Bright and Beautiful