Sunday, January 20, 2008

Faith, Hope, Love, and Courage

"Discouragement is a tool of the devil" said Thomas Aquinas.

I think of that often. We often see big evils, but one of the most damaging attacks most of us get is the "soul eating bacteria" of discouragement. Satan always says "no, you can't. Don't bother"

I think that's one think I loved in the movie "The Passion". The 'attack' on Jesus in the Garden was one of discouragement. No wonder He needed his friends to be awake, to support him.

There is a young woman in my life right now, whom I will call "Mary". She is pregnant, and without a place to stay. She has family members who want her to abort. She has voices all around her, saying she cannot raise a child, it will not be right for the child, the child will suffer, she might as well abort, it would be kinder, because she CAN'T do this, she's messed up before, so she might as well give up now.

This young woman is facing the tearing of the discouraging chorus with great courage. She is determined to make a change, to do this right. But it is wearying her. I can see her near falling... though each time she's gotten up and continued to put one foot in front of the other.

Please pray for her. The attacks keep coming, from so many angles. We need to join together to support, and encourage, so she may have Grace and Courage.

Christ makes all things New. I know she CAN do this. I'm edified by her example right now. Please pray for her, and may she be so surrounded by God's Grace that the darts of the evil one, the darts of discouragement and even despair, will not be able to penetrate.

And remember to be there for others, when they need you, in prayer, in service, in love.

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