Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Rosary Cat

Supposedly one thing that sets humans apart from animals is humans have religion, and animals do not.

Whoever came up with that idea, has not met my cat.

Every night, when we gather for the rosary, the cat calmly enters the room, finds a spot in the ring of people praying, and joins us. After the final ".. through the Mercy of God, rest in peace" she exits, as silently as she entered.

When I try to read the newspaper, she sits on it, obviously pointing out SHE is much more important than the newspaper and I ought to be attending to HER.

But with the rosary, she does not demand front and center. She just joins us, quietly, from the Sign of the Cross to the last Amen.

Animals know Who God is.

1 comment:

Sanctus Belle said...

Our family gathers at night in our prayer room for the rosary. The dog knows exactly where we are going and joins us. He usually lays down somewhere in the midst of us and quietly waits as we pray. As soon as we make that final sign of the Cross he stands up to leave the room with us. I know animals do not have an immortal soul, but I like to think that Mary blesses us when we pray and our little Charley dog too.