Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy, Holy Christmas

A Happy Holy Christmas to everyone!

It's just past Midnight. We went to the vigil Mass earlier tonight. I had hopes of going to the Midnight Mass as well, with the kids tucked in bed (the younger ones, anyway). I must be getting old... it's Midnight and I'm fading fast. So it's to bed now, and getting up with the sun (or with the son, who will get up early).

The Creche is set up. The presents are out. There is a Christmas Carol record queued up (religious carols, sung by a choir!).

Good night, and Merry Christmas! Praise to God, who became Man, and came to save us.

1 comment:

Sanctus Belle said...

Tell me about it! I haven't been able to stay up until midnight for New years in several years. My kids could never stay away for midnight mass either. This year we assisted the 4pm vigil Mass and the church was standing room only.