Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Winter Burnout

It's coming early this year! Normally February is my 'down time' when I'm in desparate need of a curriculum fair, when I contemplate flagging down the yellow bus and throwing them on.

But it's only November and I'm having trouble focusing. Any suggestions?
(Other than a nice bath and a hot cuppa tea.... actually, that sounds good... I think I'll at least get the tea now!)

Funny, it was easier when I had LOADS of kids at home. My little guy is nine... my eldest ones are in college and my others are teens, and relatively self sufficient. I almost feel like I'm homeschooling an only child. Which is more difficult than homeschooling a batch of battling siblings.

Perhaps we'll have a side of Poetry with the tea. Poetry is great for focus.


Sanctus Belle said...

I can relate to the sadness of children getting older. My youngest is 12, oldest 16. While they are all at home yet, the independence is a blessing and a sadness all together. All I can do with it is offer my pain to God for the conversion and salvation of their souls. I'm glad to see another mom in this state of life - the blogosphere is full it seems of younger moms with younger children!

Mindi said...

I don't know if you saw the earlier blog entry on this: http://scatteredhomeschooling.blogspot.com/2007/08/not-quite-empty-nest.html

But just as everyone told me when they were little... they do grow fast.

Mindi said...
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