Thursday, August 9, 2007

The start...

I'm new to the world of blogging... seems this world contains many well read, well educated people. People, who unlike me, didn't attend public school in the 1970s. I'm in awe of some of the intelligent blogs on Catholicism, Homeschooling, literature, art, etc, that are out there.
I might put up some links to some of them, but I can't rival them.

I can only post some of my thoughts, joys, experiences, frustrations, typos and bad spelling, and maybe a few other average IQ-educated-in-the-70s-and-feel-inadequate folks will be able to relate.

Who am I? I'm Mindi, and I'm a Catholic mom. I believe in fidelity to Rome, and Orthodoxy without being anal. I respect and find beauty in tradition, but am not a traditionalist. My interests are art, poetry, literature, and seeing the One Real Story in these (which is why I admire certain blogs and websites from afar- the intellect is beyond my own, but I'm grateful for the topics discussed).

I'm not the sort to want to paint little diapers on the naked baby angels pee pees scandalizing the ceilings at the Vatican. I don't hate Harry Potter (I absolutely LOVE the much maligned books, which I consider strongly Christian in theme). I love Coleridge, am just discovering Chesterton (where has he BEEN all my life!), and have been a Tolkien fan for years. I enjoy the Beatles, remember Earth Day, am strongly pro-life, and think John Paul the Second was indeed John Paul the Great (love that pic of him in the shades, too). Think God made himself an AWESOME Mother, and am glad He shares her with us. (Mary is cool! And the Rosary is, outside the Mass, the most awesome prayer! :))

I have a whole BATCH of children who I am (or have) home schooled. Yup, I believe in accepting the children God sends, and have been quite blessed (though at times very aggravated) by the children he blessed me with. One thing about homeschooling... my children ended up far more intelligent and literate than Mom. Odd how that works.

See you around.

1 comment:

Christine said...

I attended public school int he 70's and 80's. I am still learning about my faith (cradle Catholic) from converts. I am learning about truly thinking from many in the blogosphere.
